Thursday, May 01, 2008

Phyllis Rosenblum (you may know her from the circulation desk) told me about a great talk she went to in Northhampton, Mass. over the weekend. She and some of her knitting friends went to see and hear Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, better known as the Yarn Harlot (see her blog: Phyllis said she was very funny, a great speaker and they all had a good time. Stephanie has several books out, 6 of which are available in the UHLS system. I looked at her blog and even though I'm not a knitter it's a fun blog to read. Lots of pictures too! So for the knitters out there, take a look at it and check out some of her books.


Margot said...

Of course I had to check out someone named The Yarn Harlot! Bet that was a good program. & I shall send Y. H.'s comments re Indpls to my friends in Lafayette, 45 miles up the pike. Hope all is well w/you & Nimblefingers. I hope, too, that Myung Sook & her family are ditto. Please give my best to all. Margot

Margot said...

Of course I had to check out someone named The Yarn Harlot! Bet that was a good program. & I shall send Y. H.'s comments re Indpls to my friends in Lafayette, 45 miles up the pike. Hope all is well w/you & Nimblefingers. I hope, too, that Myung Sook & her family are ditto. Please give my best to all. Margot